Do You Inspire or Conspire?

Inspire, rather than Conspire
You learn a lot about yourself, and other people when you play the role of coach.
That was something that I found a couple years ago when I was asked to coach our daughter’s soccer teams.
I knew what I wanted to do – What drills I wanted to run, the skills that I wanted to teach, and the game strategy that I wanted to teach.
Directing fifteen 12 year old girls is much like herding cats; difficult at best.
Turns out, each one of the girls had their own personality. This wasn’t mentioned in the brochure!
I figured somethings out pretty quick. Having fun is always first and foremost. If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, you won’t like it. In this case, they won’t like it.
Next I learned was that there are essentially two types of people. There are those that inspire. And there are those that conspire.
On our team there were approximately 75% of the girls that either had the skills to play the game well, or just had the heart to get out there and play.
Hard work and leadership marked their presence on the team. They were as much help inspiring their team mates as myself and assistant coach were.
OK, “Conspirators” may be a wee bit harsh.
These were the kids that just didn’t want to put in the work.
I kid you not, there was one girl that just flat out didn’t want to be there. How do you foster fun and skill with somebody like that?
Balancing Act
Now it’s time to look around. First in the mirror. Do you strive to be in Inspirer? Have you ever been the Conspirer?
At work, do you see the people that fit theses roles? How about in your daily life?
You don’t have to be the captain of the team to be an inspiration. Even when we are followers, we can lead by example.
Photo: Debbie Wogen
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